2018-19 Teacher LEAD Supply FAQ 2

Fiscal Year 2018-2019

Florida Teachers Classroom Supply Assistance Program

Frequently Asked Questions

For the 2018-19 school year, the Florida Teachers Classroom Supply Assistance Program payment will be issued to eligible employees.

1. Who is eligible to receive the funds?

Chapter 1012.71, F.S., “classroom teacher” means a certified teacher employed by a public school district or a public charter school in that district on or before September 1 of each year whose full-time or job-share responsibility is the classroom instruction of students in prekindergarten through grade 12, including full-time media specialists and certified school counselors serving students in prekindergarten through grade 12.

2. When will the funds be disbursed?

The payment to be determined will be disbursed by direct deposit on September 28, 2018.

3. Does the date that I purchase my supplies matter?

YES. As the funds are appropriated for this fiscal year, the purchases must be made on or after July 1,

2018, but before the April 3, 2019 deadline.

4. Are the funds taxable?

No. Income tax was not deducted from these funds.

5. What can I buy with the Classroom Supply Assistance Funds?

Chapter 1012.71, F.S., provides that funds appropriated shall be used to supplement the materials and supplies otherwise available to classroom teachers, are to be used for the sole purpose to purchase classroom supplies and MAY NOT be used to purchase equipment.

  • Examples of Approved Items: Paper, pens, pencils, highlighters, classroom books, art &

    crafts materials, charts, maps, globes, posters, flash cards, ink and toner for printers, math

    manipulatives, DVD/CD for students to use, protective smocks, inexpensive musical

    instruments, food items that are used in classroom instruction and indicated on teacher’s

    lesson plans.

  • Examples of Items NOT Approved: Personal items and clothing, electronics, furniture,

    services, computers, printers, gift cards, professional dues, food and beverages used for


6. Will teachers be required to provide copies of receipts for the purchases of classroom materials and supplies?

YES. The Internal Revenue Service requires that districts secure copies of store receipts for purchases made. Therefore, in order to substantiate the amount of payment issued, teachers must provide legible copies of all applicable receipts for the purchases of classroom materials and supplies. The copies of these receipts must be submitted to your location Bookkeeper no later than April 3, 2019.

7. How far back can we go with receipts?

Teachers are able to apply receipts for purchases made on or after July 1, 2018.

8. Do I submit receipts individually, as I make purchases?

NO. DO NOT SUBMIT RECEIPTS FOR INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES. Please compile the receipts for ALL eligible expenditures with receipts to your location bookkeeper/designee by the deadline prior to the April 3, 2017.

9. Do I have to spend the money at one time or can it be used in increments?

The funds may be used as needed in the manner that best suits the needs of the classroom.

10. What happens if I fail to provide the copies of the receipts to my location bookkeeper/designee by the deadline?

Failure to comply with this requirement, by the deadline provided, will result in the collection, via payroll deduction.

11. If a teacher purchased items, but does not have receipts, will a bank statement work?

NO. Teacher store receipts showing that funds were expended in accordance with the Florida Teacher Classroom Supply Assistance Program guidelines must be submitted to the location bookkeeper to be retained by the location.

12. Can I buy supplies for use at home to benefit my class?

NO. Chapter 1012.71, F.S., provides that funds are for “classroom teachers to purchase, on behalf of the school district or charter school, classroom materials and supplies for the public school students assigned to them and may not be used to purchase equipment. The funds appropriated shall be used to supplement the materials and supplies otherwise available to classroom teachers.”

13. Am I able to purchase a printer?

NO. Refer to question 7.

14. How do I return the money?

Any classroom teacher may decline receipt of or return the funds without explanation or cause.

Just write “OPT OUT” and sign the Teacher form.

15. What happens if I don’t spend all the money? Can I donate it to my school?

Unused funds will be returned to the district through payroll deduction and deposited into the school advisory council account of the school at which the classroom teacher returning the funds was employed when that teacher received the funds.

16. What if I need to purchase materials after April 3, 2019?

Classroom supply purchases MUST be completed prior to the deadline of April 3, 2019.

17. Am I able to purchase specific supplies for science experiments, or elective classes?

The funds can be used as needed in the manner that best suits the needs of the classroom. Refer to question 7 for examples of items not allowed under this program. If food items are purchased to use in classroom instruction, the lesson plans must be submitted with the receipt.

18. Is the amount negotiated during the Collective Bargaining Process?

NO. Chapter 1012.71, F.S., states that funds received by a classroom teacher do not affect wages, hours, or terms and conditions of employment and, therefore, are not subject to collective bargaining. Any classroom teacher may decline receipt of or return the funds without explanation or cause.

19. Is outside printing acceptable?

YES. According to Chapter 1012.71, F.S., funds appropriated shall be used to supplement the materials and supplies otherwise available to classroom teachers.

20. Do I need to keep records?

YES. Pursuant to Florida Statute 1012.71, each classroom teacher must keep receipts for no less than 4 years to show that funds expended meet the statutory requirements.