Dependent Eligibility Rules for Children
Dependent Eligibility – Child Coverage Age Limitations
Health Care Reform - up to age 26 with no eligibility criteria (i.e. married, living with you, in school, financial dependence, etc.)
Florida Law - up to age 30 if:
Unmarried with no dependents of their own
Resident of FL OR full or part-time student
Is not covered under any other health insurance policy including Medicare or Medicaid
Special rules for adding a grandchild:
Hs to be within first 30 days of birth - born to covered child dependent - coverage for 18 months from birth
Up to age 19
Or up to age 25 if full or part-time student who has same permanent residence as you
Unmarried child at least 14 days old, up to age 19
Unmarried child less than 25 years old, if attending accredited educational institution full-time
Unmarried child totally and permanently disabled (became disabled prior to turning 19)