Employee Sick Leave Transfer Program
(per Policy 1430.03, 3430.03, 4430.03)
Donating/Receiving Process
It will be the responsibility of the employee seeking donated sick leave time to provide physician documentation to the work site designee (bookkeeper/secretary). This documentation must certify that a minimum of 5 days of absence from the workplace is required and must estimate the total length of time the employee will be unable to work.
The employee seeking donated sick leave time must complete the Request to Receive Sick Leave Donation Form (MIS 03.74) and approve the release of any information distributed to employees for the purpose of requesting donations of sick leave time.
The request for donations of sick leave time will be posted, circulated, and otherwise distributed at the employee's work site.
Employees wishing to donate sick leave time must complete the Authorization of Sick Leave Donation Form (MIS 03.75) in a timely manner and forward to the Payroll Department at the District Office. The Payroll Department will verify the minimum balance and if conditions are met, make the transfer.
Donating to Family Members
A district employee may authorize his or her spouse, child, parent, or sibling ("a family member") who is also a district employee to use sick leave that has accrued to the authorizing employee, according to conditions outlined in policy 1430.03, policy 3430.03 and policy 4430.03.
The donated time will not be given until the receiving employee has exhausted all leave. The personnel administrator approving the leave may require documentation of the recipient’s relationship to the authorizing employee. The minimum donation to a family member is one day.
The authorizing employee must complete the Authorization of Sick Leave Donation Form (MIS 03.75) and send the completed form to the Payroll department for processing.
Donating to Non-Family Members
A district employee may donate sick leave to any other district employee, other than a family member, according to conditions outlined in policy 1430.03, policy 3430.03 and policy 4430.03.
The recipient must need at least five (5) days of sick leave in order to qualify. The recipient must provide documentation from the attending physician and the sick leave is not given until their leave is exhausted. The donating employee must retain at least five (5) days of sick leave to be able to donate.
The authorizing employee must complete the Authorization of Sick Leave Donation Form (MIS 03.75) and send the completed form to the Payroll department for processing.