Flexible Spending Accounts

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The School Board of Highlands County gives employees the option of contributing to two types of reimbursable Flexible Spending Accounts; Health Care and Dependent Care. Employees can enroll when hired, or during the annual open enrollment period.

A FSA allows you to have a specified amount of money deducted from each paycheck, before taxes, and put into your account. These per paycheck contributions accumulate toward your elected annual amount. You are reimbursed from this account by submitting a FLEX Spending Claim Form with proof of the expense(s) to Combined Insurance Services, the account administrator (see contact information below).

For more information on the annual limits and governing policies of the FSA's, click: Flexible Spending Account Summary

For more information about eligible and ineligible expenses for Health Care FSA's, click: Know Your Health Care FSA Eligible and Ineligible Expenses.

Flexible Spending Accounts are administered

Combined Insurance Services
PO Box 2438
Ocala, FL 34478

Phone Number