Identifying and Reporting Professional Misconduct
“By virtue of their leadership capacity, teachers are traditionally held to a high moral standard in a community”
Adams v . State of Florida, Professional Practices Council, 406 So 2nd 1170 Fla. 1st DCA 1981
The following behavior may be indicative of misconduct that should be reported:
being alone with a student in dark or closed room or secluded area
behaving in an overly friendly or familiar way or failing to maintain an appropriate professional boundary with a student
using forceful or unnecessary physical contact with a student
administering discipline not compliant with district policy
accepting or offering of gifts for return of a favor or privilege from students or colleagues
badgering or habitually teasing a student
mocking or belittling a student
chronically embarrassing a student
displaying prejudice or bigotry against a student
suspicion of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol
failing to properly supervise students or to ensure student safety
cheating, falsifying information or testing violations
retaliating against a student or colleague for reporting misconduct
bantering or engaging in colloquial or slang communications with a student
directing or using profane, offensive, or explosive language in the presence of students
making lewd or suggestive comments or overtures toward a student or colleague
Apply the litmus test
If you feel uncomfortable
If you question the person’s motives or actions
If you are unsure
Protect the students and yourself and report.
How to Report Misconduct
Report allegations or suspicion of misconduct by an instructional personnel member to your school administrator or district contact
Report allegations or suspicion of misconduct by your school administrator to your district contact
Document the activities or details of the event
Secure evidence (if applicable)
Who Should Report Misconduct?
All employees and agents of a district school board, charter school or private school have a duty to report misconduct.
If you are aware of or observe misconduct
Who Should You Report?
Classroom teachers
Substitute teachers
Librarians, guidance counselors and social workers
Career specialists and school psychologists
Principals, Assistant Principals and Deans
Failure to Report Misconduct
Possible penalties for instructional personnel or site administrators who fail to report misconduct may include:
Written Reprimand
Suspension with or without pay
Termination of employment
Discipline/Sanctions on an educator's certificate
“Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions.”
--Author Unknown
For Further Contact Information
Florida Department of Education
Office of Professional Practices Services
Turlington Building
325 West Gaines Street
The School Board of Highlands County
Carla Ball
Director of Human Resources
426 School Street, Sebring, FL 33870