Insurance Committee Minutes
April 26, 2023 3:30 PM
In Attendance:
Voting Members | Non-Voting Members | Guests |
Andrew Lethbridge | Jim Demchak | Kathy Gordon (Siver) |
Cheryl Evans | Tammy Mortensen | Mandy Baxley (recorder) |
Jean Federico | Brian Rogers | |
Tim Murphy | Mark Armistead (BCBSSC) | |
Kim Riley | Kelly Adelberg (TCMA) | |
Anjelica Tinajero | Laura Rybka (Siver) | |
Mark Davis | Teresa Ware | |
Brandy Adams | ||
Viviana Gonzalez-Negron |
Voting Members | Non-Voting Members |
Steve Picklesimer | |
Kevin Tunning |
Andrew Lethbridge called the meeting to order at 3:29 pm.
Andrew Lethbridge opened with a review of the minutes from the last meeting on 10/26/2022. Andrew asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the 10/26/22 meeting. Kim Riley motioned to approve the meeting minutes with a second by Willie Hills. All in favor, non opposed. The motion carried minutes unanimously accepted. Tammy Mortensen asked for everyone to go around the room and introduce themselves.
Clinic Update
Kelly Adelberg stated that they have merged with ChariCare. Kelly will still be our main contact and Dr. Adelberg will still be the Medical Director. The merge brings more resources for a better experience. Our contract remains intact. Brandy from the clinic mentioned that they have now set aside three additional rooms for SBHC employees to be seen. They have also added more staff to decrease the amount of wait time as well, new clinic lead has also been hired and she is also an X-Ray tech. A new provider has been added as well.
Tammy wanted to give an update, they are having a wellness meeting next week to get programs going for the 2023-2024 year. A wellness initiative was just completed and things are moving forward. Andrew mentioned that mental health support is a topic that keeps coming up so we teamed up with partners in Lake Placid to provide support for individuals needing help with mental health not just the physical side. More information is to come on the program.
Andrew asked everyone to review the financials. April is coming in behind but not all of the revenue is there yet. The dental plan always looks strong. Andrew asked if there were any questions on the financials? There was no response to his question.
Other Topics:
Cheryl Evans asked for more detailed notes in the minutes as far as when a question is asked and answered. Jean Federico agreed on this suggestion. Andrew said that this would be addressed and we would work on more detailed information in the minutes.
Andrew stated that one of the things being looked into is that under the ACA 95% of our full-time employees should be offered insurance. Anyone working 30 hours a week would fall into this category which would include our long-term subs. The penalty is a very strong penalty if we go over 5% of uninsured and that would be between 1 and 2 million if we go over that percentage. We are looking at the possibility of offering a base insurance package to long-term subs or anyone that would fall into that category of 30 hours. We are trying to be proactive on this but nothing that needs to be voted on at this time. It is not as rich of a plan as what our other employees have but trying to make it cost effective for the district. These individuals would be eligible and have access to the clinic. It is possible that this may attract more subs. Surgery plus would not be a part of this program, the thought process is that someone would not be able to use surgery plus but then not remain with us long term Andrew asked if Kathy had anything to add. Kathy suggested that we put together a sample set of rules for who would be eligible, when they would be eligible, how much they would pay. Kathy suggested to have something drawn up to have ready for the next committee meeting.
Jim asked if FSHIP has been talked about? Andrew said that the consortium has been discussing about pooling together with an insurance liaison consultant that has gathered information. If we pooled together the cost savings for Highlands would be minimal over a 5-year period. Andrew said he could go over the information with everyone. Kathy said that there are several consortiums that are looking at the FSHIP but these are districts that are self-insured. In a couple of years if this takes off it could be something Highlands could look at but right now there does not appear to be any cost savings for Highlands. Andrew stated that the savings for Highlands would only be 2.4%. Jim shared information on what it is like for districts that are not self-insured. Andrew said that we could bring the topic of FSHIP to the next meeting.
Andrew asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:04pm was made by Willie Hills and a second made by Jean Federico. All in favor, none opposed. The motion carried and was unanimously accepted.
This is not an insurance contract or Benefit Booklet. This Benefit Summary is only a partial description of the many benefits and services provided or authorized by Florida Blue. This does not constitute a contract. For a complete description of benefits and exclusions, please see the Florida Blue BlueOptions Benefit Booklet and Schedule of Benefits; its terms prevail.