Insurance Committee Minutes

June 21, 2024 1:00 PM

In Attendance

Voting Members

Non-Voting Members


Andrew Lethbridge

Tammy Mortensen

Mandy Molina (recorder)

Cheryl Evans

Margaret Provencher

Jean Federico

Viviana Gonzalez

Mark Davis

Kathy Gordon (Siver Ins)

Stephanie Hanks

Amanda Renner (BCBS)

Jim Demchak (proxy for Steve Picklesheimer)

Brian Rogers (BCBS)

Kevin Tunning

Robin McDonald (BCBS)


Voting Members

Non-Voting Members

Willie Hills

Steve Picklesheimer

April Riggs

Andrew Lethbridge called the meeting to order at 1:04pm.

Andrew requested a review of the minutes from the last meeting on 5/30/2024.

Andrew Lethbridge asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the 4/10/24 meeting. Jim Demchak Motioned to approve the meeting minutes with a second by Kim Riley. All in favor, non opposed. The motion carried and was unanimously accepted.

Andrew started meeting with introductions around the room.


Andrew went over the financial handouts that were provided. Cheryl Evans asked what is included in the premium revenue, Tammy Mortensen responded. Cheryl asked a question regarding the transfer of funds from the dental, general and federal funds. Andrew stated that we are looking into other options for transferring funds to help with the financials.

BCBS Alternative Plan Option

Andrew briefly explained that there is a handout to go over multiple insurance options that could be offered if approved. Brian explained the main differences between the current plan, the proposed premium plan and proposed standard plan. Andrew spoke about what the premiums would look like for employees. Currently non-instructional is $57.50 and instructional is $115 per pay period, but as of July 1, 2024 non-instructional will be $70 and instructional will be $140 per pay period. These new premiums would apply for the proposed Standard Plan. For the proposed premium plan, it would be $120 for non-instructional and $190 for instructional per pay period.

Discussion ensued regarding copays, premiums and deductibles.

Clinic Proposals

Kathy Gordon asked for input on the clinic proposals. Jean Federico reached out to contact she had in other districts that used the proposed clinics. For Marathon some districts said they were okay, some had concerns about the hours and another district was trying to get rid of them. With CareATC the districts that use them seemed very pleased with their service.

Kathy went over a brief summary of the presentations we had on 5/30/24. Choices currently are to hold off on making a decision for now and continue with the clinic. Another option would be to start looking at empty/vacant buildings that could be used as a clinic site, both proposes are more than willing to help with the design and specific needs of the space needed for the clinic.

Discussion ensued regarding the clinic proposals.

Kathy asked if we were going to ask both agencies for updated cost for additional personnel and x ray capabilities?

Jean Federico made a motion to engage in further discussion with CareATC to explore the possibility of adding a care provider, x ray facilities, staffing and hours as needed with a second by Jim Demchak. All in favor, none opposed. The motion carried and was unanimously accepted.


Other Topics

Next meeting was scheduled for July 3, 2024 in the leadership training room.


Andrew Lethbridge asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:06pm was made by Jim Demchak and a second made by Kim Riley. All in favor, non opposed. The motion Carried and was unanimously accepted.

Insurance Committee Meeting Motion Form

Meeting Date: June 21, 2024

Motion Made:

To engage in further discussion with CareATC to explore the possibility of adding a care provider, x-ray facilities, staffing and hours as needed.

Motion Approved



Jean Federico

Jim Demchak

Motion Not Voted:

Motion Pending/Tabled for further information:

Committee Requests for Information/Reports: