Insurance Committee Minutes

July 3, 2024 9:00 AM

In Attendance:

Voting Members

Non-Voting Members


Andrew Lethbridge

Tammy Mortensen

Mandy Molina (recorder)

Cheryl Evans

Margaret Provencher

Jean Federico

Viviana Gonzalez

Mark Davis

Kathy Gordon (Siver Ins)

Stephanie Hanks

Amanda Renner (BCBS)

Jim Demchak (proxy for Steve Picklesimer(

Brian Rogers (BCBS)

Kim Riley

Robin McDonald (BCBS)

Kristifer Harden (proxy for April Riggs)

Willie Hills

Michael Ridgeway


Voting Members

Non-Voting Members

Kevin Tunning

Steve Picklesimer

April Riggs

Andrew Lethbridge called the meeting to order at 9:08am.

Andrew requested a review of the minutes from the last meeting on 6/21/2024.

Andrew Lethbridge asked for a motion to approve the minutes as revised from the 6/21/24 meeting. Kim Riley motioned to approve the meeting minutes as revised with a second by Willie Hills. All in favor, non opposed. The motion carried and was unanimously accepted.

BCBS Alternative Plan Option

Kathy Gordon started off by going over handout of the estimated changes for 2025 for cost on claims as well as the amounts that would be paid out for the proposed Premium Plan and proposed Standard Plan. She mentioned that Florida Blue is proposing rebates on prescriptions based on the proposed plan designs. With all of these proposed changes we are looking at a possible $1 million savings on claims made through Florida Blue. Kim Riley asked if there are any changes coming for surgery plus in 2025 and Kathy stated that no there is not.

Discussion ensued regarding clinic options.

Jim mentioned about looking into coupons for prescriptions.

Discussion ensured about the two proposed plans.

Dependent Rates

Andrew went over the proposed rates for dependents that this will have to worked on after finalizing the proposed plans for individuals. The group went over the handout about the 5% and 10% increases to premiums.

Discussion ensued

Clinic Proposals

Kathy went over the handout for pricing updates from CareACT. No decisions made at this time on clinic bid proposals.



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Andrew Lethbridge asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:55pm was made by Jim Demchak and a second made by Willie Hills. All in favor, non opposed. The motion carried and was unanimously accepted.