Insurance Committee Minutes

August 29, 2024 3:30 PM

In Attendance:

Voting Members

Non-Voting Members


Andrew Lethbridge

Jim Demchak

Mandy Molina (recorder)

April Riggs

Tammy Mortensen

Margaret Provencher

Jean Federico

Brain Rogers (BCBS)

Mark Davis

Stephanie Hanks (virtual)

Willie Hills

Michael Ridgeway

Kris Harden

Kevin Tunning (virtual)


Voting Members

Non-Voting Members

Kim Riley

Steve Picklesimer

Cheryl Evans

Andrew Lethbridge called the meeting to order at 3:31pm.

Andrew requested a review of the minutes from the last meeting on 7/3/2024.

Andrew Lethbridge asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the 7/3/24 meeting. Willie Hills motioned to approve the meeting minutes with a second by Jean Federico. All in favor, non opposed. The motion carried and was unanimously accepted.

BCBS Alternative Plan Option

Andrew started off by letting everyone know we had alternate plans to look into but this would be for open enrollment in 2025, as there is not enough time to make a decision in time for this years' open enrollment period. Any alternate plan chosen would take effect 1/1/2026. Handouts were provided.

Dependent Rates

Andrew mentioned that starting December 1 we would see the previously negotiated 2% and 4% increases. These will take place on the first December paycheck in 2024. Handouts were provided.

Clinic Proposals



Andrew went over the financial handouts that were provided to the committee.



Other Topics

Andrew went over a handout on copay modeling for diabetic medications for possible future proposed plans.

At the next meeting Andrew will be looking to make a decision on the alternate plans so that it can be taken to the Board.

Next meeting is planned for September 26th.


Andrew Lethbridge asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:05pm was made by April Riggs and a second made by Willie Hills. All in favor, non opposed. The motion carried and was unanimously accepted.