Insurance Committee Minutes
September 13, 2023 3:30 PM
In Attendance:
Voting Members | Non-Voting Members | Guests |
Andrew Lethbridge | Jim Demchak | Amanda Mercer (BCBS) |
Anjelica Tinajero | Tammy Mortensen | Kathy Gordon (Siver) |
Cheryl Evans | Mark Armistead (BCBS) | |
Jean Federico | Robin MacDonald (BCBS) | |
Mark Davis | Brian Rogers (BCBS) | |
Stephanie Hanks | Teresa Ware (recorder) | |
Steve Picklesimer | Viviana Gonzalez-Negron |
Voting Members | Non-Voting Members |
Kim Riley | |
Kevin Tunning |
Andrew Lethbridge called the meeting to order at 3:40 pm.
Andrew Lethbridge opened by informing the committee that Anjelica Tinajero will proxy vote for Kim Riley and Tammy Mortensen will proxy for Kevin Tunning. Andrew next requested a review of the minutes from the last meeting on 4/26/2023. Cheryl Evans asked a clarifying question about the previous meeting minutes.
Andrew Lethbridge asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the 4/26/23 meeting. Cheryl Evans motions to approve the meeting minutes with a second by Willie Hills. All in favor, non opposed. The motion carried minutes unanimously accepted. Tammy Mortensen asked for everyone to go around the room and online to introduce themselves.
Andrew Lethbridge asked everyone to review the financials included in the packet.
The committee members discussed the increases n health insurance claims, the use of Stop-loss, the incentive/salary line in the spreadsheet, and several questions about differences between last years budget analysis to the current year's.
The committee discussed high medical claims and options for lowering the claims. The discussion was tabled to the next meeting.
The committee discussed increasing premiums. Discussion tabled for next insurance committee meeting.
Andrew Lethbridge asked Robin MacDonald to provide a fair-market value of the insurance plan for the committee. Robin MacDonald will follow-up with requested information. Jean Federico requested that an email be sent to the committee including options for replenishing the Health fund.
Plan Options
The insurance committee discussed insurance plans for long-term subs (LTS). Robin MacDonald is looking into plan options for the district to utilize in 2025. Andrew Lethbridge asked if there were any thoughts or discussion on the subject. Steve Picklesimer asked how many subs the district currently has. Andrew Lethbridge will get the counts from Carla Ball and send to the Insurance Committee.
Incomplete Health Assessments
Tammy Mortensen reinstated the Health Assessment requirement during the 2022-23 school year. There were 212 employees who did not complete their assessment out of the 1393 employees who were required to complete the health assessment. Cheryl Evans asked how employees are receiving notice of their health assessment being due. Tammy Mortensen clarified emails were sent along with flyers posted on school and department bulletin boards along with post card mailings being sent to employees. During the 2023-24 school year employees are receiving emails and post cards sent to them at their assigned site/location.
Cheryl Evans asked if we can gather information on which school or site had a larger number of employees who did not complete their health assessment. Tammy Mortensen stated she will look into it.
Jean Federico made the motion that employees who did not complete the 2022/23 school year health assessment will not receive the 2024 HRA funds. Cheryl Evans requested the motion be amended to include the June 30th, 2023 deadline. Motion amendment approved. Tim Murphy seconded the motion to approve employees who did not complete the 2022/23 school year health assessment by June 30th, 2023 will not receive the 2024 HRA funds.
Clinic Update
Tammy Mortensen shared with the Insurance Committee an update on the clinic since purchased by Chai Care. Kathy Gordon stated a meeting with the new owners of the health clinic is set for Tuesday, September 19th, 2023. Andrew Lethbridge stated the intention to consider an RFP in the future, which will be brought before the Insurance Committee.
BenefitFocus Update
Tammy Mortensen stated there have been issues with the BenefitFocus (BF) payroll files that she has to review every payroll. Tammy Mortensen stated that the insurance clerks will begin manually entering the deductions after open-enrollment in lieu of the BF file provided by the vendor. Steve Picklesimer voiced a concern about paying for the files that will not be used. Tammy Mortensen reiterated that several reports were included in the cost.
Other Topics
Andrew Lethbridge asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:27 pm was made by Cheryl Evans and a second made by Willie Hills. All in favor, non opposed. The motion carried and was unanimously accepted.