Insurance Committee Minutes

September 21, 2023 3:30 PM

In Attendance:

Voting Members

Non Voting Members


Andrew Lethbridge

Jim Demchak

Mandy Baxley (recorder)

Cheryl Evans

Tammy Mortensen

Jean Federico

Kim Riley (virtual)

Mark Davis

Stephanie Hanks(virtual)

Tim Murphy

Willie Hills

Kevin Tunning


Voting Members

Non-Voting Members

Steve Picklesimer

Andrew Lethbridge called the meeting to order at 3:44pm.

Andrew Lethbridge opened by requesting a review of the minutes from the last meeting on 9/13/2023.

Tammy provided information to the group regarding the number of people that did not complete their health assessment by departments. Jean Federico asked about providing a percentage of people by department rather than the number people by department.

Tammy answered a question from the last meeting regarding LOA insurance billing. There were 18 on personal leave and paid for their insurance, 7 of those were both FMLA and personal.

Andrew Lethbridge asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the 9/13/23 meeting. Tim Murphy motioned to approve the meeting minutes with a second by Willie Hills. All in favor, none opposed. The motion carried minutes unanimously accepted.

Jean Federico stated that Jim Demchak would be the proxy for Steve Picklesheimer.


Andrew went over the increase in dependent rates. Claims have been very high. The proposal is a grandfathered rate for dependent coverage and then those hired after 4/30/2018. Grandfathered rates are much lower than market value. 5% increase for non-grandfathered employees. Changes being looked at would give almost a million dollars in new revenue. Andrew asked for discussion or thoughts on the new proposed rates.

Cheryl Evans asked if we can find out if the claims we are primarily dependents or employees? Tammy will look for this information and provide.

Motion was made by Jim Demchak to increase rates of dependents coverage employee share by 10% for employees hired by 04/30/2018 and 5% for employees hired after 04/30/2018 plus negotiated salary increase of $618 for teachers and Admin and $309 for support staff if approved by the Board and the Union, the motion was seconded by Andrew Lethbridge. All in favor, non opposed. The motion carried minutes unanimously accepted.

Clinic Update

Andrew, Tammy and Kathy had a good meeting with the clinic team. All concerns were addressed. Andrew did mention that they told the clinic that they would be going out to RFP but it was a positive meeting. Contract expires at the end of 2023 and we have a 90 day opt out.

Jean asked if they addressed the concerns about the pharmacy. Tammy said yes that the issue has been corrected and they have someone in place.

Other Topics

Tammy mentioned that she is starting open enrollment on 10/9 and is concerned that negotiations will not be done by then. Andrew asked if it could be TA’d and Jim said that yes it could.

Cheryl asked for more detail on the financials for the total going in total coming out? Andrew said that we could go over each of the lines in the spreadsheet at the next meeting.


Andrew Lethbridge asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:49pm was made by Cheryl Evans and a second made by Tim Murphy. All in favor, none opposed. The motion carried and was unanimously accepted.