New Hire Onboarding Information

Congratulations on your employment with the School Board of Highlands County (SBHC)!

Onboarding Process

  1. Selected applicant will be notified by the hiring administrator when the hiring decision has been determined. New hire candidate will be notified by Human Resources, via email reflected on online application, with instructions for:

    • Completing electronic onboarding paperwork

    • Scheduling fingerprinting and background screening and employee ID badge photographing at an off-site location

Fingerprinting & Identification Fees: Fingerprinting fees are the responsibility of the new hire; fees are non-refundable. Employee ID badge fees will be borne by the SBHC. Badge replacement fees will be the responsibility of the employee. SBHC identification badges must be worn at all times, at all locations.

  1. Once the above requirements have been completed and received by Human Resources, a second email will be sent by HR with dates and times available for a short face-to-face appointment. The following documents must be provided at the face-to-face appointment:

    • Social Security Card

    • Current Driver's License or other form of photo identification

    • Drug Screening Fee

  2. Contracted Personnel Only

    • Contracted new hires will receive additional communication via email for a separate Benefits and Insurance orientation to coordinate with the above HRRPD face-to-face appointment. The following documents are required for benefits and insurance processing:

      • Social Security Card

      • Current Driver's License or other form of photo identification

      • Social Security Numbers of Beneficiary(ies)

      • Dates of Bird of Beneficiary(ies)