Renewal Requirements for Professional Educator's Certificate

With an Expiry Date of June 30, 2025 or later

Educators holding a professional certificate will need the following renewal inservice points. Please refer to each section as it pertains to the certification you hold.

Renewals require completion of 120 district in-service points OR six semester hours of college credit OR a combination of in-service and college credit. These points are required for every renewal cycle.

Students With Disabilities – 20 Inservice Points

Beginning July 1, 2014, any applicant for renewal or reinstatement of a professional certificate must earn at least (1) semester hour of college credit or the equivalent 20 inservice points of training in the instruction of students with disabilities (SWD)

Reading – 40 Inservice Points

If you have one of the certification areas identified below on your professional certificate, you must earn at least (2) semester hours of college credit or the equivalent 40 inservice points of training in evidence-based instruction and interventions grounded in the science of reading, specifically designed for students with characteristics of dyslexia, including the use of explicit, systematic, and sequential approaches to reading instruction, developing phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, and implementing multisensory intervention strategies, for renewal. There are some courses available that will satisfy both the 20 SWD and 40 Reading requirement simultaneously.

  • Elementary K-6

  • Elementary 1-6

  • English 6-12

  • ESOL K-12

  • Exceptional Student Education

  • Middle Grades English 5-9

  • Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum 5-9

  • Prekindergarten/Primary PK-3

  • Primary Education K-3

  • Reading K-12

  • Reading Endorsement

Florida Educational Leadership Standards – 20 Inservice points or 1 college credit – Any Educator with certification in Educational Leadership or School Principal - coverage on their certificate will need (1) semester hour of college credit or the equivalent 20 inservice points of training in Florida’s Educational Leadership Standards (FELS) for renewal

Renewing a Five Year Professional Certificate

  1. Complete the online application for renewal at IF YOU DO NOT REMEMBER YOUR EDUCATOR ACCOUNT INFORMATION ON FILE; PLEASE RETRIEVE USERNAME AND PASSWORD; DO NOT CREATE ANOTHER ACCOUNT. If you do not have the ability to retrieve account information, email

  2. Verify you have a sufficient amount of inservice points correlating with the same dates as your certificate validity period (7/1/20XX-6/30/20XX) or provide transcripts

    • Please refer to the information above for required inservice for renewal. Only inservice

      points earned during certificate validity period may be used for certificate renewal)

      unless “banked” ESOL, Reading or SWD points are available. ESOL, Reading and SWD

      inservice points will be automatically “banked” as appropriate for subsequent renewals.

      Reading Banked points cannot be used to meet the new Reading requirement.

    • Please

      click on the link for course offerings

      SWD, Reading and Leadership Course Offerings

  3. Print your inservice transcript from PLM and submit with your renewal paperwork How to Print my PLM Transcript

Expiring Five Year Temporary Certificate

If you currently hold a FIVE-year Temporary, certificate and are requesting an upgrade to a Five-year Professional certificate:

  1. Create an online educator account at (see attached)

    • complete an online application at for your five year professional certificate, pay the $75 fee and notify HR Certification when you have applied

    • provide our office with all appropriate documentation for the Professional Educator's Certificate

You are responsible for ensuring all requirements for the Five-Year Professional Educator’s Certificate are met, including official documentation of education courses (transcripts) or EPI completion, original/official documentation of test scores and/or any other requirements as specified by the Florida Department of Education. You will not be reappointed for the following School Year until all of the above requirements are met and your Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate has been issued.