Standards of Conduct for Riding a Bus
Section 1006.10 (1-7), Florida Statutes gives school bus drivers the authority to monitor and control the behavior of students any time they are being transported to and from school or school functions at public expense.
Standards of Conduct for Riding a School Bus: Student conduct, which distracts the driver, endangers the health and safety of other students, or demonstrates a willful disregard for transportation rules shall be reported to the Principal or the Principal’s Designee.
The following rules of conduct apply to all students when they are being transported on a school bus.
1. Students must be at the bus stop on time (seven minutes prior to scheduled pick-up). The bus driver cannot wait for those who are tardy.
2. Students are to stand at least five (5) feet off the roadway at all times while waiting for the bus.
3. A student’s parents have the responsibility for the control and direction of the student at the bus stop.
4. Students must ride their assigned buses and cannot board or depart the bus at any stop other than their regular stop, unless authorized by the Principal and the Transportation Department.
5. Students are to enter the bus in an orderly manner and sit in assigned seat, and buckle seat belt (if applicable).
6. Students must obey the driver, monitors, and chaperones at all times and follow the standards of conduct while riding the school bus.
7. Students are to remain seated, facing forward at all times when the bus is moving. All portions of the student’s body are to remain inside the bus.
8. No eating, drinking, or chewing gum is allowed on the bus.
9. No glass or breakable containers are allowed on the bus.
10. No reptiles, insects, animals, or marine life (dead or alive) are allowed to be transported on the bus.
11. Absolute silence is required of students at railroad crossings and/or anytime the dome lights are on.
12. Bulky or objectionable objects, including musical instruments, that cannot be held in the student’s lap is not permitted on the bus. No objects may block the aisles or emergency exits.
13. No items are to be thrown or propelled out of the bus windows. (Behavior that violates this rule/expectation may be classified as a felony. The student and the parent/guardian shall be held responsible for any damages that result from such an act.)
14. No littering, throwing, or propelling objects inside the bus is allowed.
15. Defacing or vandalizing a school bus is forbidden. Restitution will be required for any damages sustained to the bus.
16. No profanity, obscene language, offensive gestures, or offensive materials of any nature are permitted on the bus.
17. Smoking and/or use of any tobacco products or other mood altering substances is strictly prohibited.
18. No posters or signs are to be displayed from the bus.
19. After disembarking, those students who must cross the road shall cross approximately ten (10) feet in front of the stopped bus or as directed by the bus driver.
20. Students are subject to be video taped at anytime in order to monitor student behavior and to ensure the security and safety of the students.
Note: The consequences for a violation of rules for conduct while being transported on a school bus may include, but are not limited to, suspension of transportation to and from school and school functions at public expense, out-of-school suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.
Any student, who does not abide by the rules stated above, will be disciplined and may be suspended from the bus.
Riding A School Bus Is A Privilege, Not A Right.