WheresTheBus Parent App

Highlands County school buses are now equipped with GPS technology that may benefit your household, as your student(s) use their Bus Pass/Student ID Card/Student ID number to sign on and off the bus as they board and exit the bus. The WheresTheBusTM parent app lets you know precisely when your child’s bus will arrive at your bus stop. This app is free to all Highlands County bus riding households. The system also helps Transportation efficiently manage our bus fleet routes.
The WheresTheBus App is available to download for:
Also accessible via web browser for any Internet connected device.
Creating an Account
Parents sign up at wheresthebus.com at the link below
Frequently Asked Questions
How can you get the app?
The app can be downloaded on the App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android) it can also be accessed via web browser for any internet connected device.
How do you create an account?
Select Highlands County from the dropdown menu. An account can be created only if you can validate student information, i.e. birth date and student ID #. If the information does not match what is on file then the parent will not be able to create an account.
How often is the app updated?
The app is updated every 15 seconds, it displays real-time minutes and miles the bus is from the household's bus stop.
What information is shown on the app?
Arrival Status - Estimated time of arrival (ETA) is displayed when the bus arrival time can be predicted.
Last Message - "current" is displayed when bus data has been received in the last minute. If updates are not received, the bus is likely stopped at a school, layover, or inactive (no messages in the last 15 minutes).
Your House - represented by stop sign icon.
Your Bus Stop - represented by stop sign icon.
Bus Location & Distance: represented by bus icon and distance.
Bus # - Click on the bus # to switch between buses (if multiple). If bus 36 is subbing for bus 41, it should be displayed as 36(41).

**Remember your students’ information will only display if they have signed on and off the bus with their Bus Pass/Student ID Card/Student ID number