Board Meetings

CURRENT Meetings and Packets (BoardDocs)

All meetings are held in the Garland Boggus Board Room at the School Board's Administration Building located at 426 School Street, Sebring, Florida at 5:30 p.m. unless otherwise advertised.

2023-2024 Schedule of Board Meetings

Added Workshops/Meetings




Workshop - Purpose: Discuss partnership with Sebring Airport Authority, Economic Development, and the SBHC to expand CTE programs

September 5, 2024

3:00 PM

Public Notice

Workshops are publicly noticed meetings of the School Board for the purpose of exploring matters which constitute the business of the school system. Workshops offer an opportunity for the Board and Board personnel to communicate information and engage in a general discussion. The Board shall take no formal action in a workshop or agree to any decisions with respect to issues which may be brought forward at a regular or special Board meeting.

Before any action is taken on this or any matter that may come to the board for consideration at a future meeting, you will have the opportunity to address the board at that time. 

All meetings are held in the Garland Boggus Board Room at the School Board's Administration Building located at 426 School Street, Sebring, Florida at 5:30 p.m. unless otherwise advertised.  In addition to the regular meetings, the Board holds workshops (work sessions) as needed to study, review and discuss specific issues. No formal action is taken at the workshops. The Board may also schedule public hearings or special meetings as needed to discuss specific issues and may take action when necessary. 

Updates and Revisions will be published as they become available.